Selected legal guide quotes
‘The team together has a profound knowledge of the banking and finance industry covering every legal aspect required to provide full-service advice to a financial institution. The team has a clear grasp of current and future domestic and international regulations with a dedicated eye for detail. Last but not least, the team’s proven track record of managing any small- or large-scale transaction, including cross-border deals, syndicated loans and structured finance is among the best in the Danish market.’
Banking and Finance – Legal 500
‘A very strong team which is clearly a Tier 1 firm within Banking & Finance among Danish law firms. Has demonstrated very strong growth due to an extreme focus on providing commercially sound legal advice.’
Banking and Finance – Legal 500
‘One of the largest banking & finance teams in Denmark and leading within M&A for financial institutions due to their extremely strong commercial understanding and business acumen.’
Banking and Finance – Legal 500
“Accura is by far the most dynamic and out-of-the-box-thinking law firm in Denmark.”
Banking & Finance – Chambers & Partners
‘Their commitment to client service is evident in their solutions and communication, making them a trusted adviser to us. Any solution is backed by legal considerations and commercial understanding. Whether dealing with debt restructuring, acquisition financing, or capital markets transactions, they are equipped to handle the full spectrum of banking and finance-related issues.’
Banking and Finance – Legal 500
‘Accura’s Banking and Finance team consists of very skilled and service-minded lawyers, who are experts at ensuring that the right matters are brought forward to their clients, whilst the less important matters are just handled.’
Banking and Finance – Legal 500