Since our formation in 1999, Accura has, among other things, focused sharply on providing real estate advice. As a result of this focus, Accura’s Real Estate Team has been among the leading real estate teams in Denmark for many years. Our strong team was substantially strengthened when 4 partners and approx. 30 colleagues joined us at the beginning of 2020.
Now, we are conducting a planned succession as attorney Henrik Groos, partner of Accura Advokatpartnerselskab, has wished to withdraw from the firm with effect from 1 April 2021.
With respect to the reason for his withdrawal, Henrik Groos says:
“For the past 21 years, I have been on a fantastic journey with Accura. We have gone from being a small team of a handful of employees to being a top-professional law firm today; now close to 300 employees.
Besides heading our Real Estate Team, I have been deeply involved in the operation of the firm. I am very proud of what we’ve created together and, indeed, I will miss the day-to-day work with clients and employees,” says Henrik Groos and continues: “After more than 30 years behind the attorney’s desk and having a pivotal role in building up Accura, I feel that my ambitions as an attorney have been fulfilled and that it’s now time to try something new.
I have a comprehensive, active network in Denmark and abroad and, in future, I will focus on directorships and selected projects where I can add value.
Moreover, in terms of timing, it’s been essential to me that Accura’s new congregated Real Estate Team is now in place so that the firm that I helped build up not simply continues but is expanded and improved.”
Thomas Weincke, chairman of the board of directors, says:
“When Henrik leaves Accura, we say goodbye to one of our beacons.
Over the years, Henrik has made an exceptional contribution to the firm and, together with partners and employees, he has built up our Real Estate Team from nothing to being the top-leading real estate team in Denmark. For that, we are very grateful to him,” says Thomas Weincke and continues: “Henrik has displayed a very high degree of loyalty to the firm by informing us of his wishes to withdraw in sufficient time for us to reorganise and expand our Real Estate Team before he leaves us. Last year, we took a quantum leap when 4 new partners and approx. 30 new colleagues from outside the firm joined our Real Estate Team with the result that our team now consists of approx. 65 employees.
Our Real Estate Team is, therefore, stronger than ever. We wish Henrik the best of luck in future and hope that our paths will cross again.”
Attorney Jakob Schou Midtgaard, partner heading Accura’s Real Estate Team, says:
“We were aware of Henrik’s decision to leave the legal profession when we decided to join Accura last year. We would have preferred to continue the journey together with Henrik, but our common ambition became the creation of the best possible platform and the best team in town while Henrik was still part of the team.
We would like to thank Henrik, the team’s other partners and Accura in general for the welcome we received. From the very beginning, there has been a sincere desire to create a successful integration, and the collaboration has been exemplary in every way.
Accura’s business model has fully lived up to our expectations. It’s a firm characterised by energy, innovation and talented people,” says Jakob Schou Midtgaard and continues: “The integration of the two teams has been very successful, and our business success is considerable. Therefore, we are very optimistic about the future even though we will miss Henrik.
We’ve known Henrik for many years as the leading attorney within the area, and it’s been a pleasure working with him as a colleague as well.
The Real Estate Team also wishes Henrik the best of luck on his journey ahead, and we look forward to maintaining our close ties with him.”
For further information, please contact Thomas Weincke, partner and chairman of the board of directors, by telephone on +45 3078 6678.