Accura relocated to Nordhavn
On 17 April 2023, Accura relocated to Trælastholmen in Nordhavn, which is one of the new, sustainable neighbourhoods in Copenhagen, Denmark. The neighbourhood is characterised by exciting architecture formed by facades in light colours surrounded by excavated canals, trees planted in green areas and promenades right next to the water.

The five-storey office building has been designed by Danielsen Architecture. The choice of materials is inspired by the classic, modernist commercial buildings built in Copenhagen almost 100 years ago. During the construction phase, there has been a sharp focus on incorporating the local area, for example, in the form of the surrounding canals and on developing creative, green and sustainable solutions. It is a pivotal element in the design that the facades and edge zones of the building contribute to the urban life of the neighbourhood.

In our new surroundings, we have created a modern and functional setting with a unique interior decoration focused on detail. Here, simple, rough and durable materials such as wood, glass and natural stone have been combined with custom-made furniture in natural colours and colourful, versatile and unique artwork.
We look forward to welcoming you and to showing you our new setting.
Contact details
Alexandriagade 8, DK-2150 Nordhavn
Our other contact details remain unchanged.
Public transport
Metro M4 – Orientkaj/København H
The metro station Orientkaj is located directly opposite Accura’s office building and is the end stop of the M4 line running from København H (Copenhagen Central Station) to the Nordhavn neighbourhood. The trip from Orientkaj to Kongens Nytorv takes seven minutes.
Transport by car
If you arrive to Accura by car, the direct route is to pass the Danish Eastern High Court and Comwell. Turn right around Comwell down Istanbulgade and drive towards the metro. There, you turn right and drive between the metro and Orienthuset and then turn right down Alexandriagade. NB For the time being, Alexandriagade is a one-way street. See the route on the map below.

Off-street car park Orient Plads
The off-street car park Orient Plads is located on Orientkaj across the street from Accura’s building. There, you may park against a fee. The off-street car park Kronløbsøen is also located close to Accura. See the map above.
Accura’s guest parking
Just after Accura’s main entrance on Alexandriagade, you will find a ramp going down into our underground car park. Our guest parking spaces are marked in green on the map below.