PFA Bank

Jyske Bank acquires PFA Bank

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Jyske Bank acquires PFA Bank

Jyske Bank has entered into a binding agreement with PFA Holding on the acquisition of PFA Bank.

As part of the transaction, Jyske Bank enters into an agreement with the investment fund PFA Invest on the administration and portfolio management of transferred clients’ assets. The total purchase price is DKK 245 million.

In connection with the transaction, Jyske Bank will take over approx. 10,000 private customers and private banking customers with deposits of approx. DKK 1 billion and assets under management of DKK 15.5 billion.

With the acquisition of PFA Bank, Jyske Bank will strengthen its business within asset management and wealth management.

The transaction is conditional on public authority approvals.

Accura advised Jyske Bank in connection with the transaction.