Open-door offshore wind projects

Energy developers successful in complaints about open-door offshore wind projects


Energy developers successful in complaints about open-door offshore wind projects

On 6 May, the Danish Energy Board of Appeal decided in favour of a number of energy developers complaining that the Danish Energy Agency’s rejection of applications for the construction of offshore wind farms was not in accordance with the Danish Act on Promotion of Renewable Energy (VE-loven). They disagree with the Danish Energy Agency that the Danish Marine Spatial Planning Act can be used as the only criterion when considering whether it is relevant to develop renewable energy projects in a specific area. The Danish Energy Board of Appeal found that the complainants had not applied for permission to conduct preliminary investigations of areas in which the development of renewable energy projects had already been ruled out.

Therefore, 20 of the Danish offshore wind projects previously rejected by the Danish Energy Agency have now been sent back to the Danish Energy Agency for reconsideration. If the projects subject to complaint are completed, they could provide up to 19 million households with green energy.

Accura’s Renewable Energy Team has assisted developers in connection with their complaints about the Danish Energy Agency’s rejection of applications for permission to conduct preliminary investigations under the open-door scheme.