Vestjysk Bank

Vestjysk Bank publishes
statement in connection
with takeover offer


Vestjysk Bank publishes statement in connection with takeover offer

Today, the board of directors of Vestjysk Bank has published its statement concerning the mandatory takeover offer submitted by Arbejdernes Landsbank.

The offer from Arbejdernes Landsbank must be seen as a continuation of Arbejdernes Landsbank’s purchase of shares in Vestjysk Bank from Nykredit Realkredit and AP Pension on 31 May 2021. The acquisitions brought Arbejdernes Landsbank’s shareholding and voting rights in Vestjysk Bank to 60.7%, and, as a result, Arbejdernes Landsbank submitted a mandatory takeover offer to the remaining shareholders on 7 June 2021 in accordance with the Danish Executive Order on Takeover Bids.

The offer price is DKK 3.45 per share.

Today, the board of directors submitted its statement concerning the takeover offer.

Accura advised the board of directors of Vestjysk Bank in connection with the entire process.