
Akelius sells property
portfolio to Heimstaden
Bostad for DKK 68bn

Ejendomsportefølje solgt af Akelius.

Akelius sells property portfolio to Heimstaden Bostad for DKK 68bn

The Swedish real estate company Akelius has sold its residential properties in Germany, Sweden and Denmark for approx. DKK 68bn in the largest ever private real estate transaction in Scandinavia. The purchaser is Heimstaden Bostad.

The portfolio consists of 599 properties with 28,776 residential leases in Berlin, Hamburg, Malmö and Copenhagen. The 1,093 residential leases and the 6,000 m² of business leases located in Denmark are distributed across 18 properties in Copenhagen and on Frederiksberg.

The purchase comes less than a year after Heimstaden purchased Niam AB’s Danish real estate portfolio in December 2020 in the largest real estate transaction in Danish history.

The transaction is subject to the approval of the Danish competition authorities but is expected to be completed at the beginning of December 2021.

Accura advised Akelius in connection with the transaction.

For further information, please read the press release.