
Norlys buys Telia's
Danish business

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Norlys buys Telia’s Danish business

Norlys has signed a tentative agreement to buy the Danish part of Telia’s business. The purchase price is expected to be DKK 6.25 billion.

The transaction covers approx. 1.5 customer accounts and 50% ownership of the TT network, which is a mobile network and infrastructure company owned by Telia and Telenor.

The acquisition of Telia’s Danish business will make Norlys a large and significant player in the Danish mobile market. Accordingly, the company will be able to offer its customers a total communications solution with both fibre and mobile products as a supplement to Norlys’ energy solutions.

The transaction is financed by funds from Norlys’ recent sale of a minority interest in its fibre business.

The agreement is conditional on a satisfactory due diligence, subsequent approval by Norlys’ committee of shareholders and approval by the Danish competition authorities.

Accura advises Norlys in connection with the transaction.