Mie Mørkeberg

160×140 cm
Oil and acrylic on canvas
Mie Mørkeberg was born in 1980 and graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2006. Mørkeberg received the three-year working grant from the Danish Arts Foundation in 2015. She has exhibited her works at Brandts in Odense, Trapholt in Kolding and Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art in Copenhagen, among other places. She has performed commission work for the Danish State Prosecutor for Serious Economic and International Crime in 2017, the UN building in 2015 and the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority in 2015.
To Mie Mørkeberg, it is fundamental for humans to balance between something dark and something light. The dark and the light are in her thoughts as she is painting and she uses them to explore her mind. She is not a votary of the dark side, but focuses on using it positively as shapes in her paintings.
Mie Mørkeberg is particularly inspired by the surface of the materials with which she works, and the surface partly determines how the work is executed. For example, the texture of oil paint may take many different forms, depending on the surface on which it is painted, the type of brush used, whether it is painted on a rough or impregnated canvas, whether the oil paint has the cleanest pigment or whether driers have been added. When it comes to ceramics, a natural element comes into play as the result, and how the pigments unfold, depends on the clay and heat/cold to which it is subjected.
The paining of two people coming out of the water is a tale of being in two worlds. Moving out of the dark water but staying in the surface, with their heads right between the dark and the light.

55×50 cm
Glazed ceramics